Very interesting JRPG. The story is actually pretty cool and the characters have some surprisingly impactful stories to them that incorporate real issues you don't usually see in JRPGs. The dialogue is pretty well-done too so the characters end up being fairly likable despite how mean-spirited a lot of them can be. I don't count that as a flaw though as I found the negativity to be a refreshing change of pace and made the characters feel a lot more human. It's also really nice that you can spend time with the villain team throughout the game as well and get to know them just like your normal party members. I don't usually notice it for games with japanese VO but the voice acting was surprisingly great despite how low budget the rest of the presentation was. The music was also really good and the way it seamlessly switched between vocal and instrumental depending on whether you were in battle or not was cool.
As for the faults, I respect them trying to switch up the usual JRPG combat but it really just ends up being a clunky repetitive mess and the maps you explore can get way too long and convoluted in the late-game. The visuals are also pretty bad and the animations are awkwardly stiff. The game ended up being fairly short at least instead of being needlessly drawn out like some other JRPGs.

Reviewed on Mar 09, 2022
