Supermassive Games has yet to live up to Until Dawn, but Little Hope feels like a step in the right direction. The story is a lot more interesting and it has more likeable characters than Man of Medan. The game takes place a bit too much on foggy roads in my opinion and felt like it was going at a snails pace for most of the game but I think the B movie level writing and acting helped make it enjoyable. Angela and John alone made the game worth playing until the end I think. The ending itself is .... not the best but its not awful either, and I have yet to get the others so maybe the 'true ending' is better. Also I feel like some scenes are kinda poorly spliced together which I'm guessing is due to the way they did the choices but overall despite an honestly lot of problems with it, I still really enjoyed the experience and am much looking forward to where the series goes next and plan on picking up House of Ashes soon. It has a lot of potential and im excited for the future of the series

Reviewed on Nov 14, 2021
