I played this over the free trial on Xbox a long time ago and basically hated it, but for some reason lately ive been in a Call of Duty mood, and since i never really played it before I decided why not. And surprisingly, its pretty great. The campaign has a solid story, nothing outstand but the cast is very likeable and there are some great set pieces and a good amount of side missions to make it not feel linear. I really liked the final mission. Lots of characters died which is my cup of tea. Theres cool things like anti gravity mines or a grapple hook while floating in space but I am not the biggest fan of the exo suit stuff. Titanfall 2 utilized it really well but in this game it just feels like its there, and its never really expanded on. Overall, pretty great campaign. The multiplayer is pretty weak though. The maps are small, spawns can be pretty terrible and the ttk is rapid. None of that really suits the gameplay, but for the most part its still decently fun. Definitely one of the worst multiplayers. The zombies is okay but I never really care for those, theyre always too long and hard for me. Overall, didnt really care for 2/3s of what the game has to offer, but I really just wanted a fun and cool campaign to blast through while dealing with stuff and well, thats just what Infinite Warfare gave me.

Trophy Completion - 73%
Time Played - ~14 hours
Nancymeter - 73/100
Game Completion #44 of 2022
April Completion #13

Reviewed on Apr 20, 2022
