You've heard it here first folks: Disney Speedstorm sure is a free to play kart racer. It is a perfectly fine game. Outside of the mobile game like UI it has good presentation. Looks clean and the soundtrack is pretty solid. The core racing gameplay plays well, because why wouldn't it? It's a tried and true formula. Its got boosting and drifting and powerups, the whole shebang. I can't attest to how heavily monetized it is since its in early access but its looking pretty rough on that front. Lots of currencies and characters and cosmetics to buy. Most excitedly ways to upgrade your racers and give them better stats. I am sure nothing can go wrong there. Will have to see how it plays out at launch. Overall. its fun but, yknow. I'm sure your kids will love to spend your money on this.

Also to be clear I played this through PS Plus, I am not insane enough to buy the founders pack for early access of a free to play game.

just wanted to review a game cuz why not, I'm bored. Don't really have any stake in this but hey, hope the people who actually care are happy with it.

Nancymeter - 55/100

Reviewed on Apr 18, 2023


1 year ago

Where it`s free??
I can't seem to find it anywhere for free. On the official game website it says to purchase and then drops all the platforms where you can "buy" the game from.

1 year ago

@grihajedy @Grimbonzakura as I said in the review I played it through PS Plus. Anyone with a Premium membership has access to a 2 hour free trial of the game