this is probably one of the least funny games ever written, and with only a two hour run time, nothing this game does justifies the whole "innocent looking game but the twist is that it's actually fucked up" trope; really the game COULD'VE been something interesting, it had OK things going on beyond lame comedy early on, but then it just bailed on all of that in favor of jumping the shark BIG time

besides that the game just isn't very fun, not a lot of interesting puzzles and combat is a chore when changing tools takes way too long

i feel bad being so harsh to an indie game, it's these kinds of people who are putting themselves out into the world amidst the odds, but i just can't recommend this game at all, ESPECIALLY not at a $15 asking price

much like spoiled produce, this game's dated-on-arrival writing and clunky gameplay are way past its expiration date

Reviewed on Aug 25, 2023
