Purely for combat I think this might have been the most fun I've had with an RGG game, certainly since Yakuza 0.

Some of the mini games and side content is also very high tier, though some of the school stuff drags on a little longer than necessary (How many damn robot fights and motorcycle races do you want me to do.)
For story, it’s one of the shakier one’s, without wanting to dissect too many beats (partly because I think I want to keep this spoiler free, and partly because these stories are so long and convoluted it’s hard to even remember.) I think it comes down to character’s motivations becoming very questionable and frustrating. It wouldn’t make for a very interesting story if they did, but you really just want certain characters to just sit down and be a bit more reasonable.

There was also some criticism around the handling of a story involving a sexual assault, where I felt like it wasn’t as problematic as described in some reviews, but it also wasn’t particularly well handled either. It doesn’t come across to me like it’s any kind of commentary on the #metoo movement. But it is written by Japanese men who are very disconnected and don’t quite have the nuance and understanding to write these topics well.

Reviewed on Dec 31, 2021
