Even though I didn't find the gameplay to be too engaging, I think everything else in this title is important to look at, and what it tries to communicate.

In a time where everything else in your life feels meaningless or expendable, you cannot simply "solve" the problem, but rather take things one step at a time and find meaning and enjoyment out of the simpler aspects of life.

You learn to appreciate everything around you so much more, and learn not to take it for granted.

To put something like that to a medium and translate what depression and anxiety really feel like, might be impossible.
But this is a very good attempt with a subliminal message that is very much true and helpful to someone struggling with this.

The only other thing I can note is that the art style is creative, I like the puppet-esque presentation and design of the world overall, especially the pops of colour for certain items of importance.
I also have to say that the music for this game is very good, it's moody, harmonious and evoked quite a few emotions out of me.

Overall, a good title with an important message, just don't go into it expecting revolutionary gameplay.

Reviewed on Sep 21, 2023
