Dashbored captured my heart.

I had this game in my library from the giveaway that happened a few months prior to playing it, and I went in, not expecting much.

RPG Maker games, bar Yume Nikki and a few others, are infamous for being poorly made and for having one-dimensional characters and usually a really generic plot with shallow combat.
You've played those, I've played those, your grandma and your dog have played those.

But, what I ended up getting into blew me away.
Dashbored made me laugh, feel and sob and just simply appreciate it for delivering a heartfelt, sincere and humourous experience.

The writing in Dashbored is probably its biggest strength.
The characters in this game feel like real people. Each of them contribute something different in terms of personality and contrast the other characters in a way that creates a vibrant, and memorable cast. (by the way, Isaac is my favourite)
DashBored's humour is reminiscent of the likes of LISA The Painful, Earthbound and even Undertale.

The story has quite a few twists and turns and the worldbuilding of Garden is fantastic.
To my knowledge this game also has like 3 or 4 different endings?! That's crazy!

Moving on, the soundtrack is something I HAVE to praise this game for. There is a diverse range of music used, and the boss battle themes are just...wow!!
Some of the genres that the soundtrack delves into are 8-bit-ish melodies, vaporwave, all types of funky synths and electronic mediums.
As a result, the music changes things up nearly all the time and fits the locales/events quite appropriately, it definitely made the game a lot more enjoyable.

Even the combat in this game, with all its limitations of RPG Maker, isn't just "press A to attack".
There are several attacks the characters use that require you to pay attention and time the attack so you deal maximum damage, and it's not always easy.
It's a great addition to a normally boring (for me) turn-based combat experience. I don't like a lot of RPGs or JRPGs for dragging out the fights or making them really really tough for the sheer hell of it.
Dashbored, I found, most of the fights aren't hard, even without grinding, but the ones near end game are very fun and keep you on your toes. Not that I mind it, I'm happy I didn't have to grind for hours just to finish the story.

I did some searching in between my sessions and I found out that the developer has been updating this game for a long time even after release (even now, this game is made by one developer), adding more content and just making the game better overall. I really commend them on that, it's something that many AAA studios fail to do or follow up on.

If I had to criticise this game for anything, it'd be the fact that controller support doesnt work, at all, and it could use some widescreen support. Also there were a few typos here and there in the dialogue but nothing too big in the grand scheme of things.

Thank you, Fading Club, it's been a wonderful ride.

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2023
