Silver snow and Crimson Flower working on blue lions - An amazing game hindered by repetition, its filled with amazing characters in every single house, the map design is pretty ok, the progression system is so good on how it lets you Experiment with diffrent units and make your team into however you like and break the game so hard that it just becomes addicting grinding their character skills and levels, the problems comes in repetition, repetition in enemies plastered end game, repetition in what YOu are doing before missions the monastery while cool in concept and fun the first few times arround it becomes so repetitive you will just be either skipping or resting for most of the days at the end game and as it comes to enemies They either just splatter armored units, cavalry units or just demonic beasts through out the whole map with demonic beasts being the one they stick with the most being an enemy type thats cool in concept but is just there to exhaust you of your unit's resources This game is still amazing regardless and im enjoying it a whole lot but the fact you have to deal with those issues for 4 seperate playtoughs can muddy a lot of the later playtroughs later on just to experience a new story even tough that story has great writing

Reviewed on Dec 25, 2023
