I'm really sorry, I just can't get get into this game. It's fun, sure. But I can't help but feel like I'm just replaying Spider-Man 1 but worse.

There's some minor gameplay improvements but they don't really make up for the signifficantly worse story and characters.

Venom is completely wasted in this game and I was really hoping this would be the game to make me come around on Miles as a character but no, he has "just Peter but less interesting" syndrome as bad as ever, and the way they're writing Peter out of the story in favour of him feels kinda insulting to long-time fans.

Outside of the new story, it's just the same game with an expanded open world, which just isn't enough for me. There was a pretty big gap between these two games, it shouldn't feel like a 1.5.

Reviewed on Nov 28, 2023
