Lovely DLC. Improves over the original Separate Ways and mixes in a lot of the cut segments from the base game into this one's story. There's even some new segments that will really surprise oldheads! It's shocking to get something this polished and decently lenghty as DLC (specially considering this manages to be more substantial than the turd that was the RE3 remake).

The gameplay of base RE4R was already amazing and Ada's unique skills make it even more impeccable somehow. The grappling hook tricks and her finishing moves make her a very agile and fun character, I recommend taking her up for a spin in Mercenaries mode to get a feel for it first.

If I have any complaints... Welp, I guess there's the elephant in the room: Ada's VA still can't act for shit and is even more obvious when she's in the spotlight of the story. But i'll leave it at that considering the internet beated this dead horse already. Other than that, Professional mode was pretty painful for the wrong reasons, the level design doesn't quite compliment it very well and since Ada is made of thin paper one mistake will likely get you killed. Sure made getting the S+ ranking a bit of a nightmare for me.

Very minor complaints, really. So if you loved the base game already i'm sure you'll love this too. Go get it!

Reviewed on Oct 10, 2023
