So, FFXIII, where to start
One of the franchise most infamous titles and not for bad reason. Bad story, bad characters, terrible world and bad gameplay with one BIG saving grace, the combat.
There really isn't much i can say about the negatives that hasn't already been said a milion times, i found the story to be just extremely boring to the point where i can't even remember it really well, most of the characters are either incredibly annoying or infuriatingly corny with the exception of like two and all in all anyone that wasn't a part of the main cast very forgettable too; At some point i started to wonder if this type of corny writing was maybe a product of it's time and i was being too harsh but then i remembered that XII(12) is older and everything from the worldbuilding, story and characters is like night and day compared to XIII so i really don't understand how this came to be this way.
The gameplay is a mixed bag, i've always had the opinion that closed world final fantasy is not good and that's the case here, more than half the levels are built like hallways (in a methaporical sense) where you just walk foward fighting enemies until you reach the end with no mixup whatsoever and having your party change every chapter can be really annoying, it doesn't help the game's case that both these things are fixed in the endgame when you are dropped in an open space with a fixed party and the game suddenly becomes way better, the open space can be a bit bothersome to travel in but if you already pushed yourself this far into the game i'ts whatever; the challenges introduced in this new zone are pretty entertaining and do a good work at making you experiment with the combat system.
One of the positives of the game is the combat, it's very engaging and possibly the only reason i pushed myself to 100% the game, early in the game it's actually not that much since all you have to do is turn the auto on and let the fight play itself but once the fights start to run longer and get more intricate, the class switches and stagger system really start to shine and make the battles actually playable and somewhat challenging.
Another positive point is that from a graphical standpoint this is a really pretty looking game.
It's really a shame that the only somewhat good and entertaining parts of this game happen right by the end of it, I can't really blame anyone for dropping it before getting there

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2024
