Growing up I've always liked Star Wars, lightsabers were cool, Vader was badass, and the music is iconic, but it wasn't until I played KOTOR that made me fall in love with Star Wars and actually attentively watch the movies/shows.

KOTOR features one of best stories in all of Star Wars and takes place in the best era of Star Wars, the Old Republic, set 1000s of years before the destruction of the first Death Star (BBY) where many Jedi and Dark Jedi/Sith exist at the same time. You play as a character you create (both male and female options), you can be good, evil, or walk somewhere in the middle. Your actions and dialogue choices influence how the overall story and relationships with your crewmates progress, all of whom are great characters that are worth getting to know. There are 2 characters that are romanceable, Carth and Bastila, but unfortunately you can only romance one of them and it depends on the sex of your character.

The dialogue is fun and very well written, skill checks while minimal can give you an extra option in dialogue and can avoid certain confrontations or get you some more $$$. Some outcomes can only be achieved by making the right choices and that includes the endings and major character moments.

The gameplay is dated and has aged so keep that in mind, when you encounter enemies the game pauses and you choose your choice of attack or just un-pause and select what you want your character and your crew to do in real time. Feels sluggish compared to modern games but not unbearable.

KOTOR is worth playing for the story, characters, and music alone. It goes on sale regularly and can be played on almost any computer, mobile (port isn't to bad but I recommend easy if you choose it) and now Nintendo Switch. If you can't get into the game hopefully the remake that comes out in the coming year modernizes its gameplay to something everyone can enjoy (PS5 console exclusive but hopefully it eventually goes multiplatform). If you do decide to play be wary of spoilers as there's some moments you'll want to experience fresh.

Reviewed on Jul 06, 2022
