Few games have made me very mad and this is one of them. Yet, every time I try to voice why, I can't remember.

Curious game.

I have replayed this game 3 times. All 3 times, I've come out of it pissed. Yet, this game manages to make me forget every detail of why I so violently dislike it that it forces my hand to pick it up again to prove to myself "it can't be that bad right?" because i DO remember having fun. Sure enough, I'm enjoying myself, loving the characters and gameplay... and then I get to the end.

And I get enraged. I can't tell you why (I've forgotten, again), but I can tell you this same feeling has resurfaced 3 times like clockwork and at this point I'm not letting this game get another one-up on me.

If you like good endings, avoid this game.
If you like torturing yourself with a bad ending and want a game you can play again and again without remembering any details from the last time you played, have I got good news for you.

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2022
