Good things:
·Great battle system, could even be the best in a Final Fantasy game.
·Challenging difficulty at many moments, during the playtrough and endgame
·Money in this game becomes an important asset as items, so you have to think about not misspending them.
·Music is good, not at the very best of FF but at a great level as usual.
·The usual SquareEnix amazing cinematics.

Ok / Meh things:
·It looks fairly good in some places.
·The endgame with all missions and challenges is good, but the equipment upgrading and material farming ends becoming very grindy.

Bad things:
·The story and the characters don't have the slight interest or emotion, very bland in that regard, and more thinking that this is usually an important asset of Final Fantasy saga.
·An eternal hallway, other games like FFX could also be that but they achieve to "fake" that sensation and feel free. FFXIII gives you an extreme corridor feeling.

Reviewed on Dec 21, 2022
