>Call yourselves "Player First Games"
>Make the grind for characters a daily hassle and charge $20 for skins
>Make it so that playing in friend lobbies nets you no XP

This is Nick All-Star Brawl but even worse. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when I play this game, feel how awful it is, and so many people online say it's good.

Hitboxes are beyond fucked, the balancing is blatantly awful, the free-to-play grind is obnoxious, and the perk system is the most retarded shit they could've put in this game. Why in the living hell would you add a perk system to a fighting game? Have fun going online and getting matched up with people that can just straight up play the game better than you regardless of skill level. Yeah of course you outplayed me, you have a perk that gives you an extra jump when you hit me in the air and you play an aerial combo-focused character. The 2v2 is the only fun way to play this game and even then I've never played a single 2v2 that was more fun than any doubles game I played in Ultimate. Fuck, I've played Smash 64 doubles more fun than this.

I wanted this to be good, man. I really tried. But this is one of the worst Smash clones I've ever played. No cap, BrawlOut was better.

Reviewed on Aug 09, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

perfectly vocalizing what I felt about this corporate hack of a "game", you love to see it. great review