What I thought was gonna be a Metroidvania with pinball exploration a la a more open Yoku's Island Express, was just a puzzle game made for babies.

It's braindead easy. The only challenge comes from the sudden difficulty spike at the end. The story acts like it's deeper and more ambiguous than it actually is. The titular Creature acts like it's an ambivalent guardian of the world, but is just actually evil and in the wrong. I beat the game in five hours, but in reality, it was four due to the sudden end spike. All the music is just synth ambiance and is 100% unmemorable. All "puzzles" boil down to just aiming the ball at the pegs and the game plays itself. For $15, Creature in the Well is wack. If you want Metroidvania pinball, just play Yoku.

Reviewed on Jan 19, 2021
