Compared to PS1, while the graphics received an upgrade, the aesthetic was lost. PS1 Spyro had a god-tier color palette and made a lot out of the environments with very little. Character models are objectively better in Reignited, but something about the color palette and layouts felt not as sharp or cool as the original.

On its own merits, Spyro 1 is pretty fun. It’s a relaxing romp that flows pretty nicely from one level to the next, and for you completionists, 100%-ing a level only takes 5-10 minutes. Bosses suck chimpanzee schlong. I died WAY more to common enemies than bosses, even Gnorc.

Biggest problem with Spyro 1: there isn’t a real drive to collect things besides its low difficulty to do so and your own want. PS4 achievements help, but that’s an outside force rather than an actual part of the game. I would’ve preferred worlds open up alongside collecting. It took me 8 hours to 100% the game, but a feeling of repetition starts to set in if you play for more than a couple hours at a time. I’ve heard Spyro 1 is the weakest in the trilogy, so I’m excited to see how Insomniac improved the series from there.

Reviewed on Jan 19, 2021
