Full review over at my website: https://www.nepikigaming.com/reviews/yokus-island-express/

''While combining two completely different genres into one sounds like a hefty task, development studio Villa Gorilla have done an excellent job at bringing this beautiful project to life. And let me put an emphasis on beautiful here because boy, do I love how much charm this game has when it comes to graphics and the soundtrack to make it truly feel like I’m on a mysterious island. The island was very fun to explore as well, giving the player freedom to go wherever they want to with only the optional side-content requiring specific upgrades. That said, I must also admit that there isn’t much motivation to go exploring besides your own desire, which was high for me due to how easy it was for me to travel everywhere but I can also understand that people looking for character improvement will be slightly disappointed. The pinball gameplay was very enjoyable for me and integrated well into the world. The only real loss here is that there is almost no difficulty attached to the pinball gameplay because you don’t lose anything upon failure aside from a few fruits that are very easy to collect, but the different amount of objectives and layouts of the ”pinball tables” compensate for it very well.''

Reviewed on Mar 25, 2021
