Full review over at my website: https://www.nepikigaming.com/reviews/sonic-generations/

''Sonic Generations definitely is a game that would be enjoyed most by actual fans of the franchise, but I’m of the opinion that newcomers can also have a great time. This is because more than anything, both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic are very fun to control which is accompanied by great level design encouraging alternate pathways. The former doesn’t exactly control as he did in the Genesis era due to a difference in physics, but I had a lot of fun playing as him still. The skill shop also definitely had an influence over how much fun I had controlling these characters, sometimes making a major difference. Fans of the franchise will have an even better time due to the amount of references made to past games, with the levels all being from games all across the Sonic timeline, and challenges taking place in said levels but usually referencing other games in one way or another. Doing these challenges also unlock music that can replace any level music, which is an underappreciated feature I highly enjoy. Sonic Generations is unfortunately on the shorter side though, which is a shame because I really wanted to see more. Fortunately for me and many others, replayability is high due to how fun speedrunning is and how active the modding community is on PC. The latter isn’t necessarily a compliment to the game itself but hey, at least Sega acknowledges mods and fangames being a thing.''

Reviewed on Jun 19, 2021
