Full review over at my site: https://www.nepikigaming.com/reviews/the-twisted-tales-of-spike-mcfang/

''A casual, fun and characteristic experience is how I would love to describe The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang, yet the gameplay doesn’t always reflect the casual side. That’s for the simple reason that underneath that cute appearance, you’ll be caught off-guard by a massive grind fest. And there is no option other than to accept it because the levelling system makes it so that the damage done and taken is drastically adjusted with every single level. No matter how skillful you may be, even a random enemy can take minutes to kill when underlevelled, compared to a few seconds when being only a few levels higher. And while I don’t dislike grinding, the main issues here are that grinding is not only inconvenient to do because of inconsistent save point placements with no healing, but also because it’s the majority of an already short adventure. And that it a massive shame because the adventure itself, ignoring the grinding, was really fun. It is really charming when it comes to the humour, and our cute protagonist controls smoothly with a lot of useful magic spells to cast. I will always have fond memories of those humourous charming moments, but unfortunately I will also always be reminded of what could have been versus what the game actually is.''

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2022
