Full review on my website: https://www.nepikigaming.com/reviews/space-megaforce-super-aleste/

''I really enjoyed my playthrough of Super Aleste, and to have finally finished it despite being one of my first games ever. I must admit that I’m in no way an expert on the Schumps genre despite liking them, but Super Aleste is definitely amongst my favourites out there. It is helped by the great amount of variety in weapons, with each having a secondary effect as well allowing for a lot of experimentation. Giving you a lot of freedom in a game such as this is welcome as it’s pretty difficult as well, but not unfair. And despite being difficult, the checkpoints are very forgiving with infinite retries, allowing you to gradually get better at the game. Furthermore, it’s impressive when it comes to performance with the SNES, having a consistent framerate and graphics that still look beautiful today. I would say it’s a good introduction to the Shmup genre as well despite there being many more that are easier, and definitely one you shouldn’t miss out on if you’re a fan of the genre in general.''

Reviewed on Dec 11, 2020
