Full review on my website: https://www.nepikigaming.com/reviews/poi/

''Poi was a pleasant experience for me. I highly enjoyed exploring everything the overworld- and stages themselves had to offer, and the good variety in objectives to execute kept me coming back for more. This is further complimented by overall good level design with a good size, and how very smoothly the main character controls aside from weaker combat and boss battles. The inspiration of older 3D collect-a-thon platformers is clear which is definitely not unwanted, but it also keeps some of the bad design choices from that era; Being booted out of a level after collecting the main collectable, and also collectables having no purpose after a specific threshold other than unlocking the final reward. The latter wasn’t too much of an issue for me as I am a completionist and highly enjoyed doing everything the game had to offer, but the game itself didn’t do a lot to encourage me. If you’re looking for a collect-a-thon that makes you feel nostalgic for the past without minding the lower difficulty, then Poi is definitely a game I recommend!''

Reviewed on Dec 11, 2020
