Dredge is a neat game. It's pretty satisfying to play, has a solid theme and is clearly well polished - I think it's a game almost anyone would like, which is reflected by the Overwhelmingly Positive reviews, but I also think that Dredge for the most part is good but not great. It isn't the most exciting game mechanically, the small bits of story are not overly interesting, and the Lovecraftian, thalassophobia-inducing horrors are.. ignorable quite a lot of the time. You encounter them once, and then simply avoid them with no time pressure or sense of urgency that would force you to risk interacting with these potential threats.

The opening couple of hours are incredibly tense, built by the sense of the unknown - but soon Dredge starts to feel incredibly safe and the rest of the game is a fairly gentle plod of ticking boxes.

Reviewed on Oct 13, 2023
