The first Crash Bandicoot was a good game only lacking a bit of polish and showing Naughty Dog's inexperience, so it would make sense for the sequel to be a complete slam dunk, right?
Well, it's a bit more complicated since Crash 2 is a case of one step forward, one step back.

First, let's talk about the technical side: it is very impressive for a 1997 Playstation game. Beautiful graphics, shorter loading time,... Naughty Dog really flexed their muscles with that game, starting a reputation for excellence that still holds true nowadays.
Controls have been refined, the weird idiosyncrasies are no more. Analog sticks are now supported, but honestly I still found the digital controls more precise in most cases. Two new moves are also introduced: the slide and the body slam. Sliding is very important since it's used for long jumps, a skill you will need to master if you want to go anywhere in Crash 2. On the other hand, the body slam is a complete dud. It's an obvious nod to Mario's ground pound, except it barely has any use. It's also very slow, and since it's on the same button than the slide you need to make sure of not pushing it by mistake unless you want to see Crash diving belly first inside pits.

Now, what about the levels? Well, first disappointment, the map screen is gone. It is now replaced with boring warp rooms where you can choose your level. At least you'd think it would lead to more thematic variety since you're not stuck to one place. Now there's snow levels (with some of the worst ice physics ever made in video games), sewer levels (yikes), and, err... Oh well. Gimmick levels are back too: the boulder has been replaced by a giant deadly bear, and the hog by a cute polar bear cub (what's with the bears?). I thought they were more difficult and less fun than in the first game. There's also a new gimmick: jet pack levels. Controls are awful, but they're very short so it's not that bad.
Original Crash Bandicoot had strong but very strict level design. The sequel tries to course correct by making it "looser" with less emphasis on timing, more dangerous enemies, and sadly a few cheap deaths. It also gives you a lot of lives, and bonus Aku Aku masks and checkpoints if you die too much, making it "artificially" easier. Issues with perspective and hitboxes have NOT been fixed, which is not acceptable.

I'm being harsh with Crash Bandicoot 2 because it showed the strong promise of fixing everything wrong with the first game, only to fumble it. Lack of polish can only be used as an excuse once.

Reviewed on Aug 20, 2022
