This NES/FDS version is more than a port, it's basically a different game.
The most obvious differences are the look and sounds. It really feels like a Konami/Ultra game of that period, with chunky yet detailed sprites and additional music tracks in classic Konami style. I wouldn't call it better (the original arcade game is 5 years older yet still feels punchier), but different, kinda like the Gradius port.
More substantially, this version has way more content. It's longer, with more enemies, actual bosses, and a new special weapon to take them on. That weapon, a big cannon shot, has limited uses, and you will need to keep those precious shots for the most important moments (bosses). The new enemies and the bosses are extremely vicious and you will need to learn how to fight properly to stand any chance (I'm especially thinking of the asteroid brain guy straight out of Salamander that will absolutely waste you if you don't know what you are doing). Honestly, the game is a bit long (since you're just turning in a circle in space) and you don't have any continues so it starts to feel like a chore near the end. Last stage really takes the words "flying too close to the Sun" literally. It's brutal, and even more so when you realize that you have to redo the whole thing when you die. To be fair, I did manage to clear it and I'm terrible at the genre, so I guess it's not that hard of a game for real shooting fans.

I wouldn't say that there's a definitive version of Gyruss between the original and this one. The original felt like a great pick up and play experience, the NES port feels less exhilarating but with more depth. They're both worth a try.

Reviewed on Apr 12, 2023
