It's not that I necessarily think every game needs to "justify" it's existence. I mean there are tons of games I didn't know I wanted until I played them. Crash Team Rumble feels like a game with no gas in it's tank. It's devoid of a reason for existing outside of "let's find a way to make a MP game with Crash assets".

It's not even that this game is egregiously bad. It's just regular bad, but it's very functional in a way that good games are. All of it's systems work. It's just so flat in it's delivery of just about anything. There's no passion here. There's a manufactured feeling to the whole game that doesn't go away. It's also really poorly balanced and just not very fun for me.

I also don't like MOBAs so I suppose CTR was never meant to win me over. Anyways yeah this game is not very good and you shouldn't play it.

Reviewed on Dec 11, 2023
