Hollow Knight has been in my backlog for years now. I kept hearing it was good but I had know idea it was good good.

Hollow Knight has dethroned Guacamelee as my favorite Metroidvania game. Pure excellence from start to finish. Everything about Hollow Knight just works together so effortlessly. The haunting and beautiful soundtrack, the extremely tight controls, the gorgeous art and animation. It all helps build an aesthetic and game world that I just want to stay in.

I also have to talk about the bosses. They're so great. Even though I was pretty bad at a few of them, the game never felt unfair. The patterns are a incredibly fun and rewarding to figure out. I found myself constantly getting excited each time a new boss was revealed.

In this incoherent rambling of a review, I'm really just trying to convey one key thing. And it's that Hollow Knight is one of the best games I have ever played. An absolute masterpiece.

Reviewed on Nov 08, 2021
