This is exactly what I needed and I didn't even know it.

I'd describe Neon White as a bite sized FPS Puzzler with Visual Novel elements sprinkled in. It slaps. It really does.

The actual gameplay is where Neon White shines so so bright. I loved how fast paced the levels felt and the control scheme felt extremely good once I got used to it. The game also does a good job of feeling fresh for it's entire duration. New mechanics and enemy types are frequently introduced. It's a bit on the easy side but that's exactly why it was so fun to keep improving my times. I loved the thrill of memorizing these short (rarely over 60 second) levels by heart and then executing near perfect runs.

My only "gripe" is that the Visual Novel stuff (well all of the story/character stuff really) is just ok. It's fine but nothing was really compelling to me other than the main premise. Good ideas but the execution felt lacking. But in all honesty it doesn't really matter when the rest of the game is so damn fun.

I should mention that I played the Switch port so while the graphics didn't wow me, it still ran at a smooth 60fps while also having good gyro implementation.

A very easy game to recommend. Play Neon White!

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2022
