Lake is a narrative game about delivering mail in a hometown that the protagonist hasn't visited in over 20 years. On paper, this sounds rad. I love narrative games and I love games that try to do something different with their gameplay.

Unfortunately Lake just really isn't a game for me. I didn't care for any of the characters, the dialogue is annoyingly bad and inconsequential. I understand that the story itself is meant to be very slice of life but it just comes across as excruciatingly boring. Every story beat here has been done so much better in every medium.

When it comes to the gameplay, It's just driving around delivering packages and getting the occasional line of dialogue. Which is fine for the first hour or two but after a while I realized that this was the whole game. And that it kept going for another 6 hours. Same shit over and over. Which I suppose was the point. I will say that the town itself is well made. The map is pretty and nice to look at. But again, there's nothing worthwhile to do in it.

I don't want to hate on this game too much because it's very coherent and purposeful. It's just that none of that is in service of a video game that I want to play.

Reviewed on Jul 23, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

This is why you didn't like No More Heroes as much as me. The mundane thing sounds like it's kind of the point kek