Finally finished this game after never being able to do so as a child. I got stuck on the last level and just never saw the ending as a kid lol so I'm glad I could do this for my child self. This game holds a lot of nostalgia for me so tbh I can't even rank it or look at it in an unbiased way. It was literally the first game I played I'm pretty sure and my cousin showed it to me. Everytime I went to visit I just wanted to play this and my favourite character was mother rogue (my gayness showed early I fear). As such I replayed security hall over and over. This game was still a lot of fun to play as an adult and the levels are pretty good. I know a lot of people seem to hate the treasure hunting levels but not me those are my favourite. The mech levels aren't as fun but they are still enjoyable. Raising chao is also really fun and I still have my first save file so I have my very old chao with wacky names that get a chuckle out of me everytime. I'm gonna try to go for all emblems and see if I can do it but I fear I might not be able to we'll see

Reviewed on May 10, 2024
