VR Games

VR games I own and/or have played.

VR: Required.
SKILL: Requires a lot of large, but precise, movements. Free roaming is more casual, while racing is actually rather difficult.
NAUSEA: Free movement in a vehicle requiring precise controls. Players might not be able to stop the kayak from moving.
VERDICT: Absolutely beautiful. The option to free roam is appreciated, as the racing challenges are very tough (but fun). A really unique experience, and the level variety is nice.
VR: Optional, in development.
VR: Optional.
VR: Required.
SKILL: High. Requires piloting a mech during intense combat situations with other players.
NAUSEA: Free movement. Players are positioned high above the ground in a lifted vehicle and can move and jump quickly.
VERDICT: Controls well, once you get the hang of it. Seems fun, but I need to play a bit more to give a real verdict. It's intended for online play, but you can play with bots as well.
VR: Required.
SKILL: As a roguelite, losing the game frequently is expected. To dodge bullets, players are expected to utilize both real movement and a joystick that moves the player's position within the small play area. There is a seated mode, however, and using the guns in combat is very simple. Players are expected to strategize as they build their guns between waves of enemies.
NAUSEA: A couple of movement options as well as a seated may ease nausea, but the levels should be pretty low here to start with.
VERDICT: A strong FPS roguelite—building guns as you play is a fun gimmick, though enemies and bosses do get a little repetitive. Looks great, with an art style that should age well.
VR: Required.
SKILL: Difficulty selection available, but players are expected to think and act fast, including navigating a weapon wheel while in-game.
NAUSEA: Snap turning and seated modes available, but movement is fast and players can fall from heights. Picking up certain items causes the screen to flash briefly.
VERDICT: A solid VR port of AMID EVIL that provides a fun challenge.
VR: Required.
VR: Required.
SKILL: High. There is a difficulty selection. The game requires players to be able to aim and shoot during action scenes, but reloading is done automatically. Players will also need to use their arms to swing from rope to rope during one section.
NAUSEA: Free movement. There are several scenes where players are in moving vehicles, some of which are far above the ground and require high nausea tolerance.
VERDICT: It's a decent romp through an underground facility with nice combat against robots and aliens, but the menus are really touchy and function poorly at times. More excited for the second game.
VR: Required.
SKILL: Puzzles require logical deduction, a decent range of motion, and quick reflexes.
NAUSEA: Choices between smooth locomotion and teleportation. Choices between snap turning and smooth turning.
VERDICT: One of my favorite VR titles, a strong indie first-person puzzler with good voice acting, a unique concept, and a solid execution.


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