It's fairly easy to tell whether or not you want Sean Tann's Chroma Lab at a quick glance. It's a colorful VR particle toy with fluid-like physics, featuring a few different tools that let players mess around with and shape the particles. For example, there's a particle gun, magnets that can attract or repulse, a spark tool that blasts away nearby particles, and a paintbrush among a few others. The tools all have settings to play around with, which lends them a bit of variety. Players can also use their hands to directly bat at or catch and throw particles. The game is also sound-reactive, so loading up music in another program will make the particles light up—a nice feature that makes the environment a bit more lively. There are some interesting settings worth messing around with, allowing for some customization of the particles' shapes, colors, and behavior, as well as some environmental stuff like setting the scale, turning the skybox off, or switching on bloom. Chroma Lab also comes with some presets and allows for save states.

 Admittedly, Chroma Lab is a game that some people are only going to get about twenty minutes out of before moving on—it's essentially an interactive VR visualizer for your tunes, and a single-player one at that. But if, like me, you're easily entertained by bright lights and know how to make your own fun, you're likely to get much more mileage out of it. I've had a lot of fun so far playing around to club music and letting myself get lost in shaping the particle masses. Throw on Daft Punk's Discovery or SOPHIE's PRODUCT and dance around in Chroma Lab for a bit, playing around with the tools to the rhythm of the beats. Even if you look a little bit silly doing it.

Reviewed on Feb 24, 2021
