I finished the demo but it was more than enough to have a judgement for a game that I'll probably still play all the way because I hate the idea of leaving any Zelda unfinished (yes, probably also the CD-I as well. Maybe. Perhaps).

Let's be immediately direct: don't play this game without headphones. Forget about it considering you have to be precise on the rhythm to play it properly (even if synced).
It's a really interesting fusion of that 2015 indie game and ofc Zelda with so much fanservice and love poured on it. Just for that and the pixel art alone I wanted to keep at it (and I'll probably will for a cheap sold copy, be sure of it).
But man, it's one of those rhythm games I can't get into it (I'm more into the more classics or casuals ones like DDR, Theatrhythm FF etc.. Ok, just not THAT casual as pick Just Dance, don't worry).

Reviewed on Feb 28, 2024
