Wow, I heard this was bad, but I didn't think it was that bad until playing it. The control scheme sucks. Played on the Switch. First off, auto-accelerate is automatically turned on. That's dumb. Second, why is the button to use the weapon "B?" That makes no sense. Speaking of weapons, it's not easy to figure out what weapons do what outside of the baby bottle because you can figure out pretty quickly, if you've played a lot of kart racers, that it's this game's rocket. The maps are bland an uninspired. The graphics looks like they would have fit in on the PS2. The game feels horrible to control. It feels way too loose. Basically, you're never driving where you want because it feels you're going all over the course. The drifting is just bad. There's next to no visual cue on screen that you're drifting and it took me up to the third lap of the first race to figure out when I was drifting, which was way too tight. The drifting is too tight for it's own good. It's unenjoyable. Unfortunately, you can't go without doing it, because it's the only way to going all over the place because the non-drifting driving mechanics are too loose. Plus, the boost doesn't feel like much of a boost. Feels like you're barely going any faster than normal speed, heck, the only reason you know you get a boost is because of the speed line effects that show up on screen. The only time it feels as if you are getting a boost is when you use a slime boost. So, in this game, there's slime on the track. Collect enough slime, and then you can press "X" get a boost. It's an interesting mechanic, I will give them that, and deciding when to use the slime and when not to can actually determine whether you win or not, so I will give them props for this mechanic at the least.

The menus are boring and lazy. Just static uninspired images. Oh, and I forgot to mention, there aren't many characters to choose from. Hope you really love only SpongeBob SquarePants, Rugrats, Hey Arnold, and TMNT. Honestly, please don't play this game. It's not good. I don't even see how a kid could enjoy this. It's bad, really bad.

Reviewed on Aug 05, 2021
