Feels weird calling this complete as there are DLC seasons I will absolutely be playing, but fuck me I had to come on here and talk good shit about this game.

One of those I got recommended years ago when a steam sale was on, and grabbed but never touched. Came up in the randomiser when I was picking the next thing to play, and I'm so happy it did. You see, I'm a sucker for games where you need to use ciphers and figure out codes. An absolute cow for that stuff.

In comes The Black Watchmen. Working a desk job for a secret agency trying to keep the world safe from paranormal activity and dangerous occult organisations. Sitting at my PC smiling like a fool as I browse a mixture of real and created websites to figure out info on situations. Scouring invented facebook profiles to get the right data to trick a secretary into giving me access to a medical org's intranet via email, A REAL EMAIL I SENT AND RECEIVED!

God, it just feels great. Some puzzles are mental and I'll admit to googling for help with a fair few, but the ones you get all on your own make you feel like the smartest dude who ever lived. Going from basic stuff like using an ASCII to Hex site to decode a note, to taking virtual tours of a real museum in order to find security cam placements so you can advise a team where to break in and steal an artefact with Old Persian cuneiform that needs translating.

This whole thing hits a VERY specific niche I like, and I cannot recommend it enough to people who are similarly insufferable.


Reviewed on Aug 24, 2021
