Looking at this game used to give me a warm smile every time I saw it on my shelf or even decided to give another run of Chapter 1 or mess around with the offline arcade/vs stuff. Now, it just makes me sad. Why? Well, while the news is just about two months old by now, it had just recently come to my attention that any active development for this game will be halted indefinitely after the completion of Season 1, with major developers already have been fired (with little public announcement outside of a single paragraph on the Steam page). This includes future prospective fighters, and any further chapters in the Story mode, with the in-development Chapter 2 being cannibalized and having whatever completed assets (lobby items, backgrounds, etc) being repurposed for the release of the final two Season 1 characters.

What makes this all the more heartbreaking is the fact that this game is one made with passion and care of the highest quality, and the game itself is actually quite good. Great even! The combat had a good depth, but still had a nice "pick up and play" sort of feel to it, making it smooth for noobs such as myself to enjoy what it has to offer. The cast of characters is just charming, and the realm of Fœnum is equally as such on top of being quite fascinating. It had quite the unique story mode that I felt was a good way to give it an adventure game type feel that makes it more interactable than just be a series of fights. It had the chops to be an incredibly fun and unique fighter that even I, a non-fighting game fan, greatly enjoyed and would recommend endlessly to my friends.

Now, however, I'm just picking up the pieces that chipped off of my soul from the news and revelation, and no longer have the heart to want to recommend this game... Actually, no, I still recommend getting this game, but don't you dare get a new copy! The publisher MODUS does not deserve a cent going forward, especially since they're going to just keep the IP and let it rot on the shelf, rather than either giving it up to the fans, or passing it back to the original creators. If you have the Deluxe Edition already, great, you can get the rest of the content they'll toss out, whenever that will be. Everyone else? I'm not saying you should fly a particular black and white flag, buuuuuuuuuuut...

Yeah, I'm bitter, but that's what happens when a great idea just gets snuffed quietly, having fans twist in the wind and the creators get hung out to dry with no explanation or heads up. Why is transparency so hard to do when it comes to publishers? Why wasn't anything done to salvage this project? Why does the publisher feel it necessary to keep an IP they CLEARLY don't care about? There are just too many upsetting questions...

I'm probably going to just gonna try to platinum the game in any way I can and at least TRY to jump into a Salt Mines game. Jeez, what another good idea that's just ultimately wasted with this nonsense...

I salute to you, MANE6. You tried to keep a dream alive, despite such incredible hardships (including the Hasbro C&D), and you had what it took to go the distance. It just a major shame that you were bitten by such a venomous snake, and are probably under a bloody NDA so you can't even talk about it.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2024
