(I played this on Metal slug Anthology on a PS 2 emulator)
Metal slug 2 is the second instalment in the Metal slug franchise. At first It was an arcade game and later it was ported to the PS 2. The game is a 2D platformer shooter with very beautiful art. Compared to the previous game it offers minor improvements in mechanics and introduces fantastical elements that would be explored further in later instalments. Overall, I would recommend it if you want more Metal slug. A fair warning - there is heavy stutter whenever there are a lot of enemies and I have seen this happen to other people.
There isn’t much of a story at least in the game. The different levels have no connection, although at the end there is something that can be called narrative.
Gameplay mechanics are fairly simple. Mobility wise you can go left or right and jump or crouch. Shooting is only left, right, up, or down except for when you are in a vehicle. There are also special weapons with limited usage. Enemies have plenty of variety and their attacks are well telegraphed. However, the problems from the last game persist in this one. This is not an easy game – I died many times, sometimes from the same enemies. This won't actually be that bad if not for the second issue - there are no checkpoints. Every time you die more than 3 times, you get given the choice of restarting the whole game or respawning right back where you died. This just led to me brute forcing the entire game without actually trying to improve. Compared to the last game there are new vehicles, SP weapons, and you can now pick characters.
Graphics and artstyle
The artstyle of this game is phenomenal. Some of the best 2D sprite work I have ever seen in a game. Everything from the enemy soldiers to the background has so much character and style. Now with the more fantastical elements the gets to shine even more.
Soundtrack is pretty good and quite memorable. It is what you would expect from an OST for 90’s arcade game. My favorite is “Back to the China”.
Final Thoughts

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
