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Story wise this part makes sense, as it piggyback rides off the end of Infinite but gameplay wise this was a mess.

For one, it was super glitchy. I got soft locked out of certain areas several times when I tried exploring. When I picked up a new gun, the game would delete the old one I had, hard locking me into choosing guns that I picked up.

In terms of good things, the story seems so far to be giving more context to the ending of Infinite, the Rangefinder gun is really cool but OP as shit, Elizabeth’s new design in Burial at Sea is a 10/10 (I want to marry her) and like the base game, the environments and art direction is beautiful with Rapture being perfectly recreated.

Besides that, there isn’t much Burial at Sea really has going for it.

They tried making the gameplay more like the original Bioshock games by giving you small ammo pools and lower health and also making it so you can hold more than two guns.

By the way, this is a big problem I had. I’ve played through this DLC twice now and only now did I realize that you can carry multiple guns because the game never tells you that it's an added feature in the DLC. I found out by looking at a joke review on steam of a guy saying “Booker can fit more than two guns in his trousers.” and I got so confused.

The dumb thing is that with the base game, you get so accustomed to just using the mouse wheel to switch since it's a two weapon limit anyway so it would be safe to assume the DLC wouldn’t change anything since it says literally NOTHING to tell you that you can hold multiple guns.

Anyway, The gameplay was pretty difficult for the first hour or so because of the small ammo pool and health but as soon as Elizabeth starts giving you tears, it's still harder than base infinite but it pretty much goes back to easy mode again even in 1999 difficulty.

Burial at Sea suffered from almost all the same issues of the level design being too linear and suffocating and not rewarding the player very well for exploring.

On top of that, I ran into so many glitches. At one point, the game would spawn splicers directly in front of me and they’d appear out of thin air, I got stuck in an area where the airlock door would endlessly spin, when I looted, I could only collect all items and I couldn’t collect specific items like the base game and for some reason, pressing “E” while looting would switch my weapons.

Probably the biggest issue of all is the fact that this DLC is around 2 hours long AT MOST! You can easily beat the whole thing in one sitting and I was playing 1999 Mode!

Very disappointing, even more so than the base game. I hope Part 2 adds more onto this but I doubt it will. Also, you only fight one Big Daddy fight at the very end and it's okay I guess. I like how he can use his drill to hook you in, it makes it more challenging but still pretty eh.

Reviewed on Oct 17, 2023
