The platforming is serviceable, but the lack of overall visual polish severely diminished my desire to spend significant portions of time within the game. There's a handful of levels that felt like they were still partially in the grey-box stage.
For reference: Mario Galaxy had me marathoning the entire game in a single sitting. This has me taking breaks every ~3 hours.
I'll definitely return periodically to finish Demon Turf though. The actual movement is quite good imo, but few of the levels proved memorable.

Reviewed on Jan 22, 2024


3 months ago

Is it worth buying off a keyshop? I see it going for pennies...

3 months ago

I got mine half-off from GOG at ~$12. I don't feel like it was money wasted.
I think the real issue rather than the price is that the tight movement reminded me I could be finishing better games, which led to my impromptu mario marathon over the past week.