I want to be clear about what type of game this is. It's very story driven, so it's pretty linear. The walking is kind of stiff but if you can learn to look past all that...
It has a polygon like style, semi-cyberpunk with its 2048 setting, reminding me of things like "i, Robot" and even Half-Life without the wasteland vibe. Except you don't have guns, you don't jump around the map, it's more like room to room interactions over action.

You play as Adam and Richard, two people in very similar situations (those are the mains, you play as some others along the way as well). They are two sides of the same coin, they've both been in a car accident and are recovering their memory so you're learning along with them. One has a good relationship with his family, the other doesn't. You do however get multiple choice answers, which I'm sure lead to different dialogue options. You can either be a jerk or slightly less of a jerk. I tried to do all the extra stuff which really made this game more interesting for me. There aren't side-quests but just little things here and there that feel very achievement based, whether they truly are or not. For example, you can give a homeless man some spare change or spend time with the kid before his bed time, the little stuff like that make me feel good about myself.
The linearity is pretty annoying because underneath this game's story, I see a lot of layers that could be picked if you were given the option. I won't complain too much about it though because I'm not against linear games.

As for story, Adam is kind of like Roxas but Richard, as I mentioned and hence his name, is a jerk and when you don't like your protagonist, it's hard to like the story. Remember that Mars mission that's supposedly going to happen in the years to come? Well that's in here too. I kind of went into this game blind, but I saw Mars talked about somewhere when I was researching it and became very interested as I've been looking for a Mars game for a good while. You don't actually explore Mars though, it's just this futuristic city. (sometimes Berlin or City5 as they call it) There are some posters on the wall in various clubs and stuff that I really hope that they'll make real as merch for the game, though I doubt it (they do have an artbook though).

I was put off by the ending because it had the potential to be good but it left too many holes. It didn't feel definitive. The ending is the one exception where your choices matter, there are two decisions in particular (the last two and you'll know when you see it), I did the 'best' ending and the 'worst' ending, though, that's kind of objective. The other two endings are basically the same just with the scenes interchangeable. There are certain characters that we never really get an answer as to what happened to them and then the place they decide to go...like they just forgot about Richard's 'status'.

When I paid for this, it was on sale for about 2$ so I'm not going to complain but it's just an average game, I wouldn't pay the normal 30$ for it.

Reviewed on Feb 03, 2021
