A journey of fate, love and family. FFXVI is a stunning game for the PS5 and is an absolute blast to play! It’s such a shame that’s it’s bogged down with its horrific pacing, characters that have potential but never follow through and an overall quite a mixed bag in terms of story.

The gameplay is fun flashy and fluid. Lots of play styles to experiment with my personal favs being Bahamut and Shiva. I enjoyed the combat but I could see it get a little stale by the end. The Eikon fights were a spectacle to behold but I find that 2 of them could have done by having some dialogue to up the antics and character writing.

For Story it’s a bit more messy. I loved the demo prologue and still do. The Eikon fight was incredible really pushing for that brilliant narrative we were hoping for. But then we get to fights like Garuda and Titan where the characters were afterthoughts. Luckly after Titan the fights remained crazy and had the story telling I was hoping for (maybe at the same level as Ifrit and Phoenix)

The lore in this game was fun but felt unnecessary at times as the story provides the details we need. But it’s cute to have this much detail put into its story. But it feels like too much at times and I felt overwhelmed by what was going on. But I still enjoyed the extra details that the Tomes would provide.

Now onto the characters which is why I love FF in the first place… A lot of them are sadly quite bland. I had high hopes for characters like Jill and Joshua. But I ended up being quite disappointed in the lack of actual character they had. Jill, Joshua and Benditikda being the main culprits. The potential with them all go down the drain (maybe less for Joshua)

My favourite characters were Clive, Cid and Mid. Clive’s character was obviously the one that had the most love and attention put into but I love the relationship between him and Cid! It’s brilliant. Clive’s reason to fight. His whole arc is great and I think he could be one of the best FF protag. Cid’s character is also just as great. Him learning from Clive and being able to see his view point improves upon Clive’s character and I love how they bounce off of each other in terms of character development. I just love Mid cause she’s cute and I felt had a great personality. I also quite liked Dion! He’s an awesome dragoon, he’s literally Bahamut and he had a nice arc which didn’t really satisfy me until the end.

Also how can we forget the best doggie Torgal!!

Personally the ending of the game is what struck me the most. It was built up to a stunning finale which had conflict which was amazingly written to portray Clive’s reason to fight throughout the game. Such a great ending that made me bawl the hardest in the franchise. This Star is just a great ending theme. XIV vibes were felt!

This game perfectly represents what Final Fantasy means to me. The way humanity will fight for what they love. The way Clive’s character truly kept his trust that humanity will prevail no matter what. It’s exceptional and one of my favourite endings in fiction.

But alas another journey will begin anew in due time.

Reviewed on Jul 11, 2023
