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The rich narrative, the compelling characters, and the innovative gameplay all culminate in the most incredible piece of media ever conceived. Bingo Wackadoo Watch is a 10,000 hour experience that doesn't waste a moment of your time and has sold over 36 morbillion copies.
When Jirard The Completionist played this game, he didn't want to complete any other game ever again. It makes all other media meaningless in comparison. Hideo Kojima cried after completing this masterpiece of a game. Arlo hated it, which is how you know it's guaranteed to win Game Of The Millenium.
This is the game that finally got boomers to admit that video games are art, and they've made an entire new Library of Congress, to preserve only this game. Aliens will look down on us and fear us because the human species created this game. Robots won't want to take over the world to ensure the human race can play this game. Animals have begun to speak and show human level intelligence because they are so eager to play this game. The any% speedrun world record holder is an otter.
If you think 21 Jump Street curing Kanye of antisemitism was impressive, this game ended all crime, poverty, genocide, racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, ableism, and more. It also ended the wage gap, pink tax, and disney live action remakes. It made film and television companies want to pay their writers 20 times as much as they ever had just for the chance of creating something a fraction as good. The King of England (bet you forgot old Lizzie died), The Dalai Lama, The Pope, and all other presidents/monarchs/prime ministers bowed to the developers of this game. It's been ported to more devices than Doom and footage has been shown on more screens than Bad Apple. This game made what used to be the most rare and expensive GameCube games worth at most $10 because there's no reason to play anything else anymore.
I don't need to go tell you to play it because obviously you have. This review is just to document what it was like when this game first came out for future generations to see.
The Bluey Wackadoo Watch is ok.

Who painted the Mona Lisa?
Mona Lisa.
Da Disappeary?

not that good tbh, i almost threw up this was so bad