Marfusha is a simple and addictive game that sets up the premise for a story base on border protection. The game is a wave survival as the player tries to protect the gate while facing several handicaps and unlocking characters. Weapons have a distinct identity in this title. That is due to enemies' attack patterns, as a submachine gun can eliminate bombs sent by air. Meanwhile, the shotgun can be great for heavily armored foes, and the light machine gun can be helpful when facing massive hordes of weak machines. Finding the weapon best for the situation and your playstyle is rewarding and a process of trying them out.

Taxes and more taxes...
One of the game's handicaps is the tax system. As you progress through the story, the game will give you less money to acquire defense items and upgrades. That lack of funds incentivizes you to plan what to purchase carefully and when. It becomes a neat strategy game of its own. Another handicap is the chance cards. These can give potent effects and conjure enemies or waves that can obliterate you. In my experience, they are more risky than not, so be careful when going for them!

Challenge Mode
The challenge mode is the most attractive part of the title. It has many characters, each with its perks and advantages. For completionists, the challenge mode will offer a lot of fun and something to strive to complete for the trophies/achievements. The mode also mixes up some bosses and makes for intense battles!

Slice of...Life?
The game story mode features two endings, one for beating the game and one for clearing it without losing to a single wave. Both feature some pretty neat plot twists that I let you discover by yourself, but playing a second playthrough gives a different experience in the story mode.

There are also segments where the girls can relax; in these, you can choose whenever you want them to eat, shower, or do other everyday activities. Each will net different attribute points and are crucial to use if you want to min-max your character!

Marfusha is a fun little game to explore if you want a short experience with no compromises. The whole game can be cleared in a couple of hours, along with challenge mode, and you can save on any wave. An indie that is worth getting into if you like wave games and enjoys stories with plot twists, Marfusha is a solid game.

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2023
