Honestly terrific season cosmetics are always looking great we get to see some returning reach helmets and the surprise flood themed battle pass. Infinite's battlepasses always stay on top now being at 50 tier with the same amount of cosmetics as the previous 100 tier battlepasses with less fluff with it being available 24/7 purchasing with 1000 credits and completing it with the full 1000 credits back unlike cough cough overwatch. The cosmetics are only amplified with the addition we all have been waiting for, the option to cross our helmets with the other core thank the fucking prophets. Operations are a welcomed addition a FREE 20 tiers battlepass that comes with a full set of armor and nic nacs as well as a 5 dollar premium for a neat cosmetic? Sure. The shop is the biggest dread like always how could they NOT put CE Mark V in the battlepasses, they instead went for easy sales slapping that $20 tag on my beloved sadly a good money-maker move by them. WE GOT TO address these two new maps cause oh my god adding a golden sandwich to Forbidden... that's such an old 2000s easter egg type beat I need more of that. But more importantly, these maps are fucking gorgeous they both are fun maps to me I like Forbidden's look having that temple delta halo look with long snipes positions, and Prism's environmental destructible with the pinpoint needler as the map's power weapon and that thing is so fucking broken but it's for the sake of the funny needler miner map. The repair kit being neutral Equipment is always a nice fun ways to interact with it like reviving and repairing vehicles. New tools are cool for forges oh? They get 2 new canvases now that's nice, now what are you saying? FORGE AI? Bless the 7 rings give more tools like these, to these Giga Chads of forge balls they know how to make good stuff, and giving them AI is A HUGE STEP. While playing custom games you can finally earn XP Yay! Also the Bandit again.. but it has a scope with it and it's slightly different from the original Yay? There's a reward for Hero rank now? It's the fucking Master Chief? Now that's a good ass reward especially the coating of the special edition Xbox of Halo Infinite the gray, gold, black space looking one, that one goes hard. And we finally got firefight as always we should've gotten it at launch but it's here now we can hop in some fucking PVE and beat the Banished together!

Reviewed on Feb 03, 2024
