vacation games

games about being on vacation
(but not the type of vacation that turns into a grand epic, or goes horribly wrong and shipwrecks you or something)
i haven't played most of these, by the btw way, but i think i should...
suggestions are welcome!

Boku no Natsuyasumi
Boku no Natsuyasumi
Doki-doki Poyatchio!!
Doki-doki Poyatchio!!
Alba: A Wildlife Adventure
Alba: A Wildlife Adventure
Famicom Bunko: Hajimari no Mori
Famicom Bunko: Hajimari no Mori
G-Mode Archives 15: Chura-jima Kurashi
G-Mode Archives 15: Chura-jima Kurashi
Shin-chan: Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation - The Endless Seven-Day Journey
Shin-chan: Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation - The Endless Seven-Day Journey


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