Quite a solid entry to the series. A lot of people complain about the length, and I can see why.

Some parts have odd additions, such as the hunting chapter with Saejima, where the game has you slowly walking through a forest shooting deer for a good hour. The entirety of chapter 2 was quite lame and boring in general, I feel like Saejima could have just been removed completely and the game would be better.

Part 1 and 3 are truly where this game shines. I won't go into detail as to why for spoiler reasons, but it's certainly worth the time, and I wish part 2 was removed so that 1 and 3 had more screentime.

Part 4 is the one that people compliment the most, and I do believe it was quite solid as well. The introduction to Shinada was quite rough, showing him off as a bad, perverted Akiyama clone that failed to stand out, but as the part went on, he became a lot more likable and relatable, but the ending is where I think this game shines the most.

The ending for Yakuza 5 was great. At moments I could feel my eyes start to tear up, at others I was clapping (in my head of course, clapping alone to my monitor would be weird......) and cheering, and others my thumb was getting numb.

Overall, this is a pretty good game, and I'm glad I got to play it.

Reviewed on Jan 07, 2022

1 Comment

2 years ago

I'm real surprised to hear someone liking 1 aswell! Along with the ending! Kiryu's story in this was one of the best written pieces out there, and that ending was one of the most bittersweet stuff I've seen in a game, damn Y5 is pretty solid