This was one of my first cyberpunk games I've played, and the only cyberpunk media in general that I've enjoyed so far.

The world was beautiful to the point where I'd say it's the best looking game on the switch by far. It was full of technology that most of the time didn't make any sense from a realistic perspective, but it still made the world look a lot more interesting and unique.

You're able to run around the world and collect keywords that people say to you while investigating that you'll get quizzed on later, tail people, chase escapers, fight gangs, collect a bunch of red matter, find hidden chests, help cure people of disease, you even get a police dog! This game is by far the best police game I've ever played.

The gameplay was great though, the combat was one of the best realtime combat systems I've ever played, with you having timed prompts during the fight that keep your attention. It was really fun, and the mix of different legions presented a bunch of different methods, especially with the different weapon types.

The plot is somewhat weak though, I've seen other people refer to it as "anime", which is a weird term, but it certianly fits. It's not a bad plot, but it's not anything to get excited for.

The last thing about this game I'll comment on is the soundtrack. There were a few songs that I thought were pretty good, but most of the songs were too metal for my taste.

Overall, I'd say this game gets a 4.5 star from me.

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2022
