I remembered playing Pokémon Diamond when I was younger and I had a lot of fun with it. When I was able to snag a copy of this game I wanted to relive the experience of playing the 4th gen of Pokémon again, especially since the remakes are going out this year. After finishing this, it reminded me that I really enjoyed this particular generation of Pokémon! I really love a lot of the Pokémon that were introduced in this gen, the gym leaders were fun challenges, love the characters, especially the Champion (who I won't say because of spoilers), it felt super nostalgic playing a Gen 4 Pokémon game! The only big issues I had were that when you wanna save the game, it can be long, like REALLY long. Also, not gonna lie, because of the huge difficulty spike when getting to the Elite 4 and the Champion, I spent too much time level grinding to get at a descent level to where I can finish the game. At that point, I will admit, I was a little spent. That's just about it though, otherwise I'd easily say it's one of, if not one of the overall best Pokémon games. So if you're new to Pokémon this would be a good way to get into it.

Reviewed on Sep 11, 2021
