I had originally written a long "review" for this game before this; about how Reload had come out right as I was in the midst of a really rough depressive episode, and how playing it helped me crawl out of that hole. After thinking about it, though, it felt a bit too personal (and, frankly, a bit like-baity) to post for strangers on the internet to read such vulnerable and descriptive details about my personal life, so I'm writing this short little anecdote instead. Just know, this game came out at the perfect time for me when I needed it most, and I cannot be thankful enough for its existence. I've been feeling like shit for the past month or so due to an avalanche of life circumstances piling down on me all at once, and this game was a big help in working my way through it and coming out on the other side. Thank you, Atlus; this was one of the most fulfilling experiences I've ever had playing a game.

Reviewed on Feb 13, 2024
